Snow falling on Cedars1/by David Guterson/E/D/I

1st Proposal

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Yesterday I saw the film SNOW  FALLING ON CEDARS/ and I’ve read the book by DAVID GUUERSON. I think the book as well as the film are just overwhelming!(überragend/straordinario)

Do you know about the situation of the American Japanese people and their situation, especially in California, during the second world war? der Weltkrieg/la guerra mondiale

BrückeHafen150The story is  about the tragic situation of the  Japanese people who had become Americans, fought (fight präsens-fought past/kämpfen-gekämpft/combattere-combattuto) for the USA in the second world war and were even decorated war veterans, suffered very much because of the hatred  (der Hass-l’odio) and prejudices (das Vorurteil/il pregiudizio) American citizens had towards them, especially,  after Pearl Harbour.

We realize also very much the difference of cultures if we look at  the touching (ergreifenden/toccante )love story between Ishmael and Hatsue.(Love letter on page 195 by Ishmael)

Could you imagine in your culture to not being able  (nicht können/non poter)to marry your beloved woman/man because of cultural clashes?

As the story is last, but not least, about the mysterious death of  white local fisherman Carl Heine and the trial  (der Prozess/ il processo) for murder against Kabuo Miyamoto a  Japanese-American fisherman, I also include a photo of boats in a Californian harbour. (der Hafen/il porto)

Gegend Big Sur144Click here for the direct link of the conversation between Mr Gutterson, the audience and Mrs Harriet Gilbert from the World Book Club.

This this the link to the latest interview  and conversation with the writer, his books and the readers. You can, however, find and download all the older conversations.

This is a quiz about literature

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