Hotel California/Eagles

Hotel California: song and questions
By whom was this famous song written?……………..
To be on a dark desert highway means to be on…………………………………………..
What does the Hotel stand for? …………………………………………………………….
Who is the person at the entrance?………………………………………………………….
“This could be heaven or this could be hell” means…………………………………………
What does the place promise?…………………………………………………………………
Why do “Some dance to remember some dance to forget”?………………………………..
Why is the Hotel called a lovely place?………………………………………………………

Why are the “people” in the Hotel just prisoners of their own devise………………………………………………………………………….
Do they manage to ever get away from the Hotel and, if yes how, if not, why? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

What did the young people of the 60s want to change?…………………………………
Where did the most important concert of that period take place?……………………..
Do or did we have similar addiction problems? ……………………………………….

Possible answers: Don Henley/Glenn Frey/Don Felder/to be on a drug trip/clinic/doctor/if one succeeds of getting rid of the drugs it could be heaven/that they manage to overcome addiction, in the past there were good and things before they got addicted, it place promises security, they have chosen to take drugs, most of them, don’t overcome addiction,society and in this sense authorities,WOODSTOCK

The American Indian by Ramona Ramsauer/ They also lived in California

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